Phase Information
Foundation Stage
This is children who are 3 - 5 years old.
Children in the Nursery and Reception classes work towards achieving a set of 'early learning goals' and develop key skills across a wide range of areas.
The Early Years curriculum is divided into three prime and four specific areas of learning.
The prime areas of learning:
- Communication and language – developing confidence in self-expression and ability to listen in a range of situations
- Physical development – involving action and interaction, developing co-ordination, control and movement
- Personal, social and emotional development – developing a positive self-image, good relationships and respect for others, learning how to manage feelings and behave appropriately
The specific areas of learning:
- Literacy – linking sounds and letters and beginning to read and write
- Mathematics – improving skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, simple calculations, describing shapes, space and measures
- Understanding the world – making sense of the physical world and their community
- Expressive arts and design – exploring a wide range of materials and media as well as sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas through a variety of activities involving music, art, drama and so on
The curriculum is carefully planned to cover all of the required areas.
Activities are put into contexts which ensure learning is engaging and fun for the children. Our learning environment encompasses both classroom and playground and children are encouraged to build up skills in activities that take place in both areas.
Our aim is to maintain a very happy, challenging, motivating and sociable environment, where all children feel included and are keen to learn.
You have worked with your staff in early years (Nursery & Reception) to ensure that the youngest children in the school get off to a flying start in their learning.
Ofsted report 2016
Key Stage 1 (KS1)
This is children who are 5 - 7 years old.
In Years 1 & 2 children begin to have more formal literacy, numeracy and science lessons.
Throughout the school children use a variety of web based and school bought software to enhance their Computing skills and learning. They are involved in History and Geography projects and develop their skills in Art, Music, PE and Drama.
Year 1 children take the national Phonics Screening Check near the end of Year 1.
Towards the end of Year 2 all children take national tests in reading, writing, spelling and maths. The results are used to inform teacher assessments, which are reported to parents at the end of the school year.
You can find out more about what's happening in your child's Year Group by clicking on the learning tab above.
This is children who are 7 - 11 years old.
Key Stage 2 comprises Years 3, 4, 5 & 6.
There will continue to be an emphasis on the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Computing. We follow detailed schemes of work for all National Curriculum subjects and ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is followed.
The children are expected to take on more responsibility for ensuring that their work is completed to a high standard. Additional support or extension work is provided wherever necessary.
Individual assessments of the children will continue throughout the Key Stage culminating in National SATs tests for children in Year 6 in Maths, Reading Comprehension and, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation. Writing and Science are assessed by the teacher and moderated externally.
The children are expected to take on more responsibility for ensuring that their work is completed to a high standard.
Children in Year 6 also complete Wandsworth Tests in non-verbal and verbal reasoning in September.
Sex and relationship education is taught as part of our science curriculum. Please read our sex and relationships education policy, on our Policies page, which gives full details.